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Worthing & Sussex Branch
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Report of the February Get-Together
Kevin & Lorraine
  Feb 21st 2011

Report of the February 2011 Get-Together

Thank you to John and Jeanette Simpson for coming
along to give us a talk on the true fact on the “Geisha
Society” in Japan.
They brought along some beautiful outfits and some headdresses
as well as explaining the essence of Geisha life.
Albeit far from the West’s fictionalisation of the Geisha being a
Prostitute, they are, as the Japanese interpretation of Gei – Sha,
talented or artistic person. Yes they entertain the guests but with
song, dance, music and witty conversation. As well as games
which to the Western eyes, appear distinctly childish.
John spoke of the many years of training goes into the Geisha life
and the more successful are of mature years. Many thousands of
pounds are spent on outfits. Some priced between £5000 - £7500
per outfit and there are seasonal variations as well. So many
Geisha are sponsored by the “Ochay” or Tea houses.
John showed many slides and passed around parts of the
headdress to demonstrate the detail and workmanship that
contribute to its beauty. It was also very interesting to hear the
background throughout the years how the Geisha have been an
integral part of the Japanese culture.
We found it a very informative afternoon and on your behalf would
like to again thank John & Jeanette for a very interesting talk.
We would also like to thank Gill White for organising the talk and
the ladies and gents who help with the refreshments and thank
you to Roger on the raffle that rose £72.00. -- Kevin & Lorraine